9 Reasons to keep your cat inside

9 Reasons Why You Should Keep Your Cat Inside

One of these days, Spring is going to arrive. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow … but we’re really hoping the snow will melt at some point in the very near future. As the

weather gets warmer, people will start to brave the outdoors again and enjoy relaxing, playing and exercising with their dogs. But what about cats? Some cat owners feel that

after being cooped up all winter, their indoor cat should transition to the outdoors for the spring and summer months. Cats need “freedom to roam” too, right? Wrong. We’re

going to share the reasons why your indoor cat should remain indoors!

#1. If you let your cats outdoors, they could easily be injured or killed by a motor vehicle. Too often, cats run out into traffic. When drivers or cyclists do try to slam on the

brakes, they can cause traffic accidents. Another issue with indoor cats being let out unobserved is that they can seek shelter, shade or warmth underneath parked or idling cars

and get crushed under the wheels (Tip: Always bang on the hood in the winter).

#2. Cats left outdoors can easily ingest dangerous substances like anti-freeze, which is sweet-tasting, or lawn chemicals. They can get seriously ill or even die from eating mice

that have been baited with rat poison. By keeping them indoors you can control what they consume – just remember not to leave anything dangerous within reach.

#3. Letting your cat roam outside, you expose them to parasites like fleas, ear mites, fungal ringworms, intestinal worms and ticks which can all be transmitted to humans.

Yuck! All of these parasites can be very difficult to eradicate once they’re in your home. Trust us when we say that letting your cat explore the neighbourhood isn’t worth this

potentially nauseating risk.

#4. Outside the home, your cat is at risk of contracting a number of deadly feline disease including feline leukemia, feline AIDS (FIV), feline infectious peritonitis(FIP) feline

distemper, and upper respiratory infections. Our own rescued feral cat – who under our care is an indoor cat – is still treated holistically for upper respiratory issues. He was

rescued at 9 weeks and at almost 3 years old we are still dealing with his lingering health problems. This could be the price of letting your cat wander outdoors.

#5. There may not be lions, tigers and bears, but if left outdoors, cats can be attacked by wild animals ranging from foxes and coyotes to raccoons and dogs. Unfortunately, one

of our client’s dogs managed to kill a young wild cat who got into his backyard. Today, this same dog enjoys the company of our own cat when he comes to board with us, but

outdoor cats are a whole different ballgame. Your cat may also get into a fight with another outdoor or stray cat, which could lead to painful and dangerous abscesses or worse.


#6. If left outside, your cats may welcome themselves into your neighbour’s garden and use it as a litter box. That’s one way to spoil what is sometimes an already a shaky peace

between neighbours.

#7. Although it pains us to list this harsh reality, there are nasty people who participate in animal cruelty. A wandering cat could easily fall victim to an individual trying to pass

time by abusing your innocent, frightened pet.

#8. This may sound incredibly by cliché, but the truth is that a scared or adventurous cat could easily climb a tree and, for fear of getting injured, not be able to get back down

#9. Don’t think that you’re in the clear if you live in a condo or apartment and have a balcony for your cat to “enjoy.” Cats have fallen to their deaths by climbing the balconies.

Contrary to popular belief, they don’t land on their feet nor do they have nine lives.

Now that it’s clear why your cat should be indoors, we want to emphasize that an indoor cat can still be stimulated, happy and healthy. Stay tuned for our next article about how

to keep your indoor cat purring and in “purrfectly” good shape.

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